Hilarious images of singles looking for love on Russian dating site

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It is not just macho men on display, some of the boys have got in touch with their feminine side in order to attract a significant other. One man even grabs a vacuum hose with his other hand to balance out the picture. Would you date somebody with these kind of pictures displayed on their profile?

Floral tribute: These guys seem to think that the way to a lover's heart is through snappy dressing and flowers Another show a man in what can only be described as a shellsuit, performing a unusual backwards high kick in a children's play area. Food also features in the saucy snaps, with one lady pictured pouring a fizzy drink over her clothes on a riverbank. Share One picture which is sure to attract attention is that of a woman lying on the floor of her living room next to a giant fish which is almost as long as her. One man even grabs a vacuum hose with his other hand to balance out the picture.

The most bizarre profile pictures on Russian dating sites revealed - It isn't just men showing their tough side. The images provide a bizarre snapshot into the worlds of the people looking for love - and in some cases a weird and wonderful view inside their minds.

No wonder they're single! But others get a little more creative. These images collected from Russian dating sites show the extraordinary lengths some singles have gone to capture the attention of a would-be suitor. Scroll down for video One man wearing a Father Christmas hat and hair is snapped in the middle of shaving his beard The pictures which illustrate the bizarre ways singles try to attract romantic interest online have been shared by bloggers and other websites and attracted hilarious comments. Animals and food feature heavily, and both sexes seem to think skimpy clothing will give them the edge. At least two men have chosen to wear a tie against their bare torso while others have attempted to show off their sporty side. Share One picture which is sure to attract attention is that of a woman lying on the floor of her living room next to a giant fish which is almost as long as her. Perhaps she's telling fellow singles that she's a good catch? Bizarrely some of the images selected by the online daters feature weapons. Men can be seen brandishing guns though it's unclear if they are real or fake. One man even grabs a vacuum hose with his other hand to balance out the picture. It isn't just men showing their tough side. In one creative shot a young brunette girl wields an axe while posing in an evening gown. Here are the best of the worst...

20 funniest dating profile pictures - some Russian of course
But for these people, captured in images posted on a Russian dating site, those lengths might be just a bit too far. Share One picture which is sure to attract attention is that of a woman lying on the floor of her living room next to a giant fish which is almost as long as her. Animals and food social heavily, and both sexes seem to think skimpy clothing will give them the edge. Another woman goes all out, by donning a bikini to munch on a whole watermelon, an image which she hopes will attract a potential life partner. You will be amazed by the between things your eyes are going to see, people posing beside a huge fish, funny russian dating photos with a vacuum cleaner in a hand and a machine gun in the other, old women taking selfies and other senseless stuff that we are sure will make you laugh hard. Floral tribute: These guys seem to note that the way to a lover's heart is through snappy dressing and flowers Another funny russian dating photos a man in what can only be described as a shellsuit, performing a unusual backwards high kick in a children's play area. Below are a few examples of websites we designed. This sincere thinks that a pair of rubber gloves make a seductive accessory left and right a swordsman displays his softer side, and an array of weaponry, in an attempt to woo an impressed other half In one of the hilarious pictures a woman, who has fashioned a mermaid costume from what looks prime an ironed tablecloth, gazes seductively at the camera. It isn't just men showing their tough side. No wonder they're single. Men can be seen brandishing guns though it's unclear if they are real or fake. But others get a little more creative.